Sunday 24 April 2011

Chocolate Hazelnut Tart

If you own Lorraines book, or if you don't then borrow one, but whatever you do make this tart!!! This is the most delicious thing I have eaten for a long time. If you don't like hazelnuts then just miss them out, I'm not a huge fan but they didn't spoil it in any way for me. The chocolate pastry isn't as scary as it sounds because you can patch it up and make little chocolate biscuits with any leftovers. Lorraine gives quite clear instructions about getting this out of the tin, which I did try and follow, you have to try and separate it from the tin before you bake it and then get it out of the tin quite soon after its cooked. Well I had a complete nightmare. I got the side off but just could get it off the base, every time I tried to lift it I was splitting it, so I ended up serving it on the base and it turns out it was just one little stubborn spot was stuck to the bottom, ggrrrrr. But who cares when it tastes sooo goooodddd!!!!!!

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