Wednesday 6 April 2011

Whoopie Pies

I've made whoopie pies a couple of times before, with varying degrees of success. The first time they were so dense that they were a meal in themselves, but these thankfully worked out a lot better. The recipe was completely different. You heat all the wet ingredients with the demarera sugar and then mix with the dry and pipe out. They have quite a strange texture, a friend described them as similar to a swiss roll. They are very soft. They don't like being put into a tin though, they all got stuck to each other and the side of the tin so a lot got left behind. Zoe took a great liking to them and chomped away on it like a sandwich. Usually with cake she'll eat away at the icing and leave the sponge, so I think the soft texture made them a lot easier to eat. They were lovely and chocolatey, so that will always go down well with me!

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